










FEBRUARY 9-12, 2018 – Conscious Life Expo
Join us for another great line up of speakers at the Conscious Life Expo, streamed live from the LAX Hilton. See David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Caroline Myss, and more!


       caroline-myss   David-Wilcock-conscious-life-expo   corey-goode-conscious-life-expo   lynne_mctaggart-conscious-life-expo   xhutexcatl-conscious-life-expo

             Caroline Myss                  David Wilcock                 Corey Goode                  Lynn McTaggart           Xiuhtezcatl Martine

                 Kaia Ra                          Eric Pearl                     Gail Thackray                  John Perkins                  Jacob Liberman

Register now and get 3 free videos just for registering.  You’ll receive: Matt Kahn“Whatever arises, love that”,  Ancient Aliens Panel Hosted by Jimmy Church, Vandana Shiva“We are all Seeds” 

Click here to buy passes and get your free videos!

Conscious Life Expo David Wilcock Trilogy – 144.00

David Wilcock presentations only, the two by himself and the one with Corey Goode. Conscious Life Expo is separate.

Conscious Life Expo Premium Pass – 108.00

With this pass people get to see everything that’s live streamed except David Wilcock’s presentations. It’s around 40 presentations. So less than 3.00 per stream/VOD. Purchasers have 60 days of unlimited viewing of the VODs following the Conscious Life Expo.

Conscious Life Expo Premium Pass Plus David Wilcock – 244.00

Same as the Premium Pass, but they also get to see David Wilcock’s presentations. He has 3 presentations during the weekend. Two by himself, one with Corey Goode.





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Author David Wilcock and Whistleblower/Author Corey Goode have been at the center of the consciousness shift occurring over the past few years. The duo gained much attention and praise for their acclaimed documentary series Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia TV. Currently in its eighth season, Cosmic Disclosure has shown viewers the connection between topics like secret societies, corrupt governments, esoteric belief systems, Inner Earth Life, spiritual slavery, Higher Density Beings, contact with extraterrestrials, the Babylonian Money Magic System and Ascension. See them both at the Conscious Life Expo this year!

Attend David and Corey’s talk “The Secret Space Program, Earth Changes and Ascension” by live streaming or in person at the 16th annual Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles February 11, 2018. Their presentation promises a gaze into the Abyss of truth through a stunning presentation of evidence and evolving testimony, research and theory.

Corey Goode and David Wilcock expose the Cabal of Criminal Syndicates by bringing together several threads they have uncovered through dedicated research, along with their person experiences.

Corey and David have brought all the threads together in a fascinating tapestry that has exposed the Achilles heal of a global Cabal of Criminal Syndicates. Humanity has never been more dedicated to uncovering the truth, exposing lies, and connecting the pieces of a global conspiracy that touches everyone on the planet.

Don’t miss out on this epic event.


David Wilcock is a bestselling author, professional lecturer, TV host on the GAIA TV Network and filmmaker of metaphysical documentaries. Wilcock is also a renowned researcher and authority on the subjects of: ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy and intuitive consultant and psychic counselor which makes him a frequent guest on numerous cable TV documentaries and Internet shows.

On his popular website DivineCosmos.com, Wilcock offers – free of charge – thousands of pages of scientific and spiritual information about soul growth, Ascension and the evolution of consciousness. Convergence, his popular book series, is a trilogy filled with scientific research that offer definitive support to Wilcock’s belief that a change in matter, energy and consciousness is occurring right now here on Earth as well as throughout the entire solar system.

Wilcock attended the State University of New York at New Platz, graduating with a BA in Psychology and a Master’s. His first two books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key, were New York Times bestsellers. His latest book, Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil (2016), is a bestseller on Amazon. His upcoming film adaptation of his Convergence Trilogy delivers his message and proof that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which affects our minds in fascinating ways. Wilcock is also the subject and co-author of the international bestseller, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, which explores the remarkable similarities between Wilcock and Cayce. The book features many of Wilcock’s most inspiring psychic readings and reveals the David Wilcock himself might just be Cayce reincarnated, making an already compelling and popular person in the consciousness movement lecture circuit a must see for everyone.


An intuitive empath (IE), Corey Goode was a military abduction (MILAB) recruit at six years old and spent over a decade being indoctrinated and taught as part of a MILAB training program for any number of military black ops programs. His MILAB training resulted in him being assigned to an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat on an Extraterrestrial Super Federation Council that is shared by secret government groups from Earth.

Goode is a whistleblower who continues to use his inside knowledge to share information about the happenings inside the secret government, their military space program and the industrialized development of our solar system. Though it may sound like something out of a science-fiction novel, Goode continues to write and speak, sharing revelations about the truth of humanity’s celestial presence and details of a message from extraterrestrials about a coming collective ascension for humankind.

Goode currently works in the communications and information technology industry and served 20 years in the Texas Army State Guard (2007 – 2012).